23-04-2014, 09:37
Rozumiem, że stalowy brener to ściema dla lamerów lampowych? 
Czytałem Wasze wypowiedzi i innych, cytat z CPL:
"I never used a stainless steel burner myself because there are a lot of people in the german pelam forum that have experienced serious problems with those burners.
To mention some: The brass mixing chamber right above the burner gets damaged due to the different expansion ratios of steel and brass, in some cases the burner has dropped off because of the widened threadings, the burner disc gets burnt and the middle section falls off, corroded parts of the burner disc damage the mantle, the pre heating with meths is difficult when it's cold outside due to the bigger amount of metal, when in use the mixing tube tends to glow red due to the better heat transfer of the steel compared to the clay burner."

Czytałem Wasze wypowiedzi i innych, cytat z CPL:
"I never used a stainless steel burner myself because there are a lot of people in the german pelam forum that have experienced serious problems with those burners.
To mention some: The brass mixing chamber right above the burner gets damaged due to the different expansion ratios of steel and brass, in some cases the burner has dropped off because of the widened threadings, the burner disc gets burnt and the middle section falls off, corroded parts of the burner disc damage the mantle, the pre heating with meths is difficult when it's cold outside due to the bigger amount of metal, when in use the mixing tube tends to glow red due to the better heat transfer of the steel compared to the clay burner."