11-10-2014, 23:57
(Ten post był ostatnio modyfikowany: 11-10-2014, 23:59 {2} przez Wielki Duńczyk.)
Here is the Zvaigzne Riga 500 cp in action. It has a brass-nozzle so it is a long time to warm up and the first 3 minutes it burns very unstabile - but then it shines like the "Star of Riga"
The light does not blind you as other lamps, while the Siatki/mantle sits high up in the lamp. You can see the difference compared to a Optimus 930. The Zvaigzne Riga is just as bright but do not blind you.
I love that lamp and you polish guys should find out more about it being a "kraj sąsiadujący"

The light does not blind you as other lamps, while the Siatki/mantle sits high up in the lamp. You can see the difference compared to a Optimus 930. The Zvaigzne Riga is just as bright but do not blind you.
I love that lamp and you polish guys should find out more about it being a "kraj sąsiadujący"
